Self Evaluation questions
IIT Delhi, New Delhi.
Module 5
1.The numerical value of LMP on all buses is exactly the same. Which of the following inferences are true?
  • a)The system has less losses
  • b) The DC OPF has been carried out
  • c)The AC OPF has been carried out
  • d) All line flows are within limits
  • e) The value of all Lagrangian multipliers associated with inequalities of line limits are zero
  • f) The least cost dispatch satisfying the given constraints has been obtained
2.LMP on all buses has same numerical value. The line shadow price for line m-n will be:
3. For a hypothetical loss-less system, merchandizing surplus will be
  • a) greater than zero
  • b) less than zero
  • c) zero
  • d) can't say
4.Locational Marginal Price (LMP) on a bus
  • a) Can be lesser than the price of the cheapest generator
  • b)  Will always be greater than or equal to price of the cheapest generator
  • c)  Can be negative sometimes
5. For a standard two bus lossless system, the power flow is from bus 1 to bus 2 and Lagrange multiplier associated with the global load-generation balance equation (λ) is equal to 10. The Lagrange multiplier associated with inequality constraint of line flow limit is μ12=0. The LMP on bus 2 is
  • a)10
  • b) 5
  • c) 15
  • d) Data insufficient or something wrong with the data
  • e)  None of the above